
Permanent Committee


President: Segundo E. Moreno Yánez, Ecuador (*)

Vice President: John R. Fisher, Great Britain (*)

General Secretary:  Horacio Cerutti Guldberg, Mexico (*)

Antonio Acosta Rodríguez, Spain (*)
Jan-Ake Alvarsson, Sweden (*)
Milka Castro Lucic, Chile (*)
Ernesta Cerulli, Italy
Kees Den Boer, Netherlands
Elizabeth Díaz Brenis, Mexico (*)
Enrique Florescano Mayet, Mexico
Fernando Fuenzalida Vollmar, Peru
Jorge R. González Marmolejo, Mexico (*)
Adolfo L. González Rodríguez, España (*)
Richard E. Greenleaf, USA
Jacques Lafaye, France
María Luisa Laviana Cuetos, Spain (*)
Miguel León-Portilla, Mexico
Elio Masferrer Kan, Mexico (*)
José Matos Mar, Peru
Magnus Mörner, Sweden
Alberto Rex González, Argentina
Nohra Rey de Marulanda, Colombia
Rafael Rivas Posada, Colombia
Luis A. Riveros Cornejo, Chile (*)
Mariusz Ziólkowski, Poland (*)

With asterisk (*) the members of the Permanent Committee who have participated in at least one of the three last congresses: 51ICA-2003, 52ICA-2006, 53ICA-2009

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