

Statutes of the International Congress of Americanists

Art. 01
The International Congress of Americanists has as its object the historical and scientific study of the two Americas and their inhabitants.

Art. 02
The Congress will take place every three years; as a far as possible it shall alternate its sessions between the Old and New Worlds; it cannot meet consecutively in the same country.

Art. 03
It is composed of all those persons who have requests admission and paid their subscription. The Organizing Committee can refuse applications for either regular or associate membership from persons who, in any preceding Congress, have strayed from the ways of science or caused disagreements or trouble.

Art. 04
At the end of each session the Congress designates the place where the next session shall be held, and chooses a certain number of persons charged to constitute an Organizing Committee at the designated place.

Art. 05
The Committee names its President, and chooses up to six Vicepresidents, up to four General Secretaries and such other officers as is appropriate to the efficient running of the Congress.

Art. 06
The Committee fixes the exact date of the meetings, the number of sessions, the amount of subscription, arranges the program and the subjects to be treated. It prepares, if appropriate, preliminary reports to be produced at the Congress, sends the invitations, receives fees, and issues members` credentials and publishes a records of the Congress although it is not obliged to publish all or any of the papers presented.

Art. 07
The list of subjects considered by the Committee are sent beforehand to the members; they may propose for the committee`s consideration such modifications as appear to be useful; a part of the sittings of each sessions is also reserved for questions not included in the program, which may be proposed by a member and accepted by the Committee.

Art. 08
The official languages of the Congress are: Spanish, English, French, German, Portuguese and Italian, with the addition in each case of the language of the country in which the Congress takes place.

Art. 09
The Congress may confer on persons noted for services rendered by them to American studies the titles of Honorary President or Vicepresident.

Art. 10
A Permanent Committee composed of the present and former Presidents and General Secretaries is charged to maintain the tradition of the Congress, to watch over the proper execution of the regulations and to face the unforeseen difficulties which might arise in the interval between two sessions. All presidents and one General Secretary from each Congress session will be entitled to vote on matters debated by the Permanent Committee.

Art. 11
The Permanent Committee will appoint a Liaison sub-committee to advise and assist organizing committees on matters concerning forthcoming Congress. The Permanent Committee may appoint such sub-committees as is required.

Art. 12
All modifications of these Statutes shall be proposed and approved in plenary sessions and will not be effective until ratified by succeeding Congress.

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